Financed by: Special Programme Trust Fund, UN Environment
Implementation Agency: Resource Environment Center (REC) – North Macedonia
Implementation Partner: Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning / POPs Unit
Launched: June, 2020
Duration of Project: 30 Months
This Project aims at enhancing the strength of the institutional capacities, with regards to integrated coordination, cooperation, synergy of the implementation of legally binding International Agreements: Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata Convention and the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Namely, the main objective is to perform gap-analysis and situation report on the current state of chemicals and waste management and define a coordinative body responsible for coordinating the development, adoption and enforcement of policy, legislation and regulation which should establish framework for the joint implementation of the quadruple scheme and SAICM.
The Project was approved on the Third Meeting of the Executive Board of the special Programme, held in Nairobi, Kenya, in December 2017. It has officially launched in June, 2020 and it will be finalized in January, 2023, upon ensuring sustainability of the established coordinative division.
More specific objectives of the Project are:
- Definition and establishment of the National Coordination Mechanism, represented by all involved institutions, responsible of forming working group
- Review of the national institutional and legal structure for chemicals and waste management, performed by the working group
- Training component for the institutional representatives on the legal and institutional aspects linked with the implementation of the chemicals and waste
- Mainstreaming of the priorities for strengthening institutions for chemicals and waste management and quadruple synergy scheme in the national chemical and waste planning (2021-2026), including update of the National Action Plan on SAICM
- Define Terms of Reference of the separate division responsible for joint implementation of the Basel, Rotterdam, Stockholm, Minamata Convention and SAICM, established under the Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning and its incorporation within the updated NAP.
Full support and participation is expected from multiple institutions such as:
- Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning
- State Inspectorate for Environment
- Ministry of Health
- Institute for Public Health
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Forestry and Water Economy
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of Finance/Customs Administration
- Ministry of Transport and Communications
- Industry
- NGOs and
- Academia
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Language: Macedonian